
3 lbs of sour cream

We have 3 lbs of sour cream sitting in our fridge. Some of it will go to waste. I just know it. I’ve used about a tbs for some taco salad and 3/4 of a cup for stroganoff. We’re having baked potatoes tomorrow….so I should have about 2.8 lbs left. Any suggestions on what I can do with a vat if sour cream?


BTW we have this much because it’s actually cheaper (if you count gas) to but 3 lbs at Costco than 8oz at Safeway. So sad. Obesity epidemic.

6 replies on “3 lbs of sour cream”

You could make a cheesecake or enchiladas! I would probably search for recipes with sour cream and check out the reviews. 🙂

It can also make good frosting. Or a broccoli-chicken casserole with cream of mushroom soup/sour cream sauce base. Sometimes I throw it in whatever quiche I’m making if I have extra sitting around just for added fat and flay-va!

There are some great chicken casserole recipes that use sour cream. You can cube the chicken and saute it with cream of chicken and sour cream and then eat it on top of rice (kind of like an American curry dish). ha ha. Or you can coat the chicken in flour and paprika, brown it, and then throw it in a casserole dish with sour cream, broth and some mushrooms and bake it.

Definitely some serious comfort food.

I did the same thing….bought the 3 lbs @ Costco for a party. Now, I have two and 3/4 lbs left. What can I do with it? My husband isn’t supposed to eat dairy, so I need to find some cookie recipes or cake that I can give as Christmas gifts to neighbors and friends.

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