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The case for not tipping

I know there are a lot of people out there who feel that all servers should be tipped. I have friends who get really riled up about the subject. In general, I guess I agree. But let me present the case for not tipping.

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went out to eat last Saturday night. Just looking for some inexpensive, delicious food to fuel us for the 5k run the following morning. I ordered my meal, some chicken teriyaki. Nick ordered his, fried rice (with chicken, no shrimp) and we went in on a few rolls. Now, we frequent this establishment and were wary when we got our waitress. This is the woman who frequently screws up – things as small as fried rice with shrimp AND chicken or just shrimp, no chicken to bringing random dishes that we never ordered and having them magically show up on our bill. She has a hard time at this job.
But whatevs. We order and sit. Nick’s fried rice comes…..and we sit…then the sushi comes..and we sit….and sit…..and sit…..and then…..we ask one of the other waitresses where my meal is…..she (we assume) goes to check on it, but never says anything to us….then, the bill comes. WTF? Umm…..excuse me, but I never got my meal. You know, the chicken teriyaki. That’s when I get the awkward giggle – she said nothing. Just giggled and walked away. What the heck is going on?!
So then we wait some more. No one comes out to let us know the status of said meal. Eventually, Nick gets up and goes to ask someone what is going on. And if Nick has to ask, you know it’s bad news.
My meal eventually comes and I spill my miso soup all over the table. Not my night. The teriyaki was good, but I’m still a fan of Nasai – back at school, on the ave….the cheap stuff. Soooo good.
Then we wait for the bill….and wait….and then Nick goes inside because he got sick of waiting. She hands him the wrong bill. When she finally gets him the correct bill, he decides he should pay in cash….because a credit card might be too much for her this evening 🙂
To be fair, they did take my meal off the bill. But still, that was terrible service in my book. Nick ended up tipping a few bucks. Mostly because he didn’t want to wait for change. Will we go back? Sure, it’s great food, and it’s not like we go there for the impeccable service. But I’m just saying. If ever there were a case for not tipping, this would be it.