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Chevy Fail

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headed to Chevy’s tonight to celebrate our fist place softball seed in the championships.

Nick and I decided to split the Nachos Grande (Nick was already a little annoyed that there were multiple Spanish spelling mistakes on both the restroom door and the menu….Ms. Young would be proud).

The nachos grande came with all sorts of things, including chicken.

You see where this is going.

Definitely got a fatty piece of raw chicken (it wasn’t actually full of fat, just large).

I’m an easily grossed out person, but for some reason, raw chicken doesn’t phase me.  Mold on cheese/yogurt, yep!  Sour milk, check!  Pretty much anything that has been in the fridge for more than 5 days requires a sniff test, performed by Nick,  (the real reason I live with a boy).  But don’t get me wrong, still definitely not cool.

The waiter was pretty weird about the whole thing, but the manager was super nice about it (as he should be).  Nick continued to eat the nachos but I decided to stop (after 1 bout with food poisoning/icky food, I didn’t want to make it 2).

He offerred up more food – and we should have taken him up on it, but I was full.

When we got the check, our waiter says, “yeah, I took the nachos with the raw chicken off the bill.  Kinda gross when you think about.”  Yes, yes it is.  So deep.

2 replies on “Chevy Fail”

I’ve had multiple experiences with Chevy’s like that! My advice….stay away!!!! Stick with Casa Ororzco for all your mexican needs! 🙂

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