
Christopher Plummer wins an Oscar

Raise your hand if you know who he is (or if you knew who he was before he won).  Ok fine, maybe it’s just me.  But I didn’t know who he was until I googled him, during his acceptance speech.

Blast from the past.  It’s Captain Von Trapp!  Sound of Music, what?!  As we’re watching his acceptance speech this was the conversation I had with Nick:

N: He looks really familiar.
B: Yeah, he’s Captain Von Trapp from the Sound of Music (and then I go into song….the hills are alive…..”
N:  No, what else is he in?
B: ……..
N:  Ooooh, he totally looks like that guy from Up.  The mean one.
B:  Oh yeah, guess he does.
N:  IMDB that shit!!
B:  He was totally the voice!
N:  I knew it.

Here’s a nice comparison.

In other Oscar news, I only saw Moneyball.  And I thought it was great.  Naturally I wanted it to win.  I also wanted Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy to take home statues…again, only other movie I’d seen aside from Kung Fu Panda 2, which also lost.

This all started back when “A Beautiful Mind” was nominated and Nick and I watched it to be cultured.  I was incredibly bummed that all the action was just in Russel Crowe’s head. Like seriously bummed.  So I try and stay away from Oscar nominated films and stick with comic book movies, animated movies, comedies and action.  The X-men will always be near to my heart.

My 3 favorite moments from the show:

1.  Cirque de Soleil, because everyone loves tumbling people that balance on each other.  And because Cirque de Soleil always makes Nick nervous – he thinks they’re going to fall – so he gasps a lot when he watches.

2.  When Angelina got on stage to present, she stuck her leg out all funny.  Nick goes, “what’s wrong with her face.”  Then the people that won made fun of her by sticking their legs out too.  Classic.

3.  Octavia Spencer’s acceptance speech was adorable.  I love it when people are genuinely happy and surprised.

BTW – did anyone else notice the weird feedback/noise issues?  I thought I was hearing things all night!

What did you think of the show?

2 replies on “Christopher Plummer wins an Oscar”

Did you notice that the Cirque guys did actually fall? I was like, wow, major fail to fall at the Oscars…

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