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Lost in translation?

I have a good friend that is legally deaf in one ear.  She’s now an incredible elementary school teacher.

While student teaching she would tell her kids not to do things “half assed.”  Mind you she was teaching 3rd and 4th graders.  I think this went on for at least a few months.  She didn’t tell it to them everyday, but it came up from time to time.

One day, her fellow student teacher overheard her telling the students not to do things “half assed.”  She told her that it probably wasn’t appropriate to be saying that to 3rd graders.

Turns out, she thought the saying was “half fast.”  As in, don’t do it at half speed, do it at full speed.  She had lived the first 24 years of her life thinking it was half fast.  She didn’t realize that she had been swearing at her kids all year.

We had a good long laugh when she repeated the story at home that night.

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