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Photo Comparisons – Miyahara styles

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sister went on an “around the world” trip. Not sure why I put it in quotes….she really went around the world.
In any case, she’s slowly getting pictures up. She finally got to Italy….and I’ve been there! We took a lot of the same pictures (granted, we both took pictures of famous things….so it’s not that crazy).
In any case, here are the comparisons. Let’s be clear, this is before I ever cared about taking cool pictures and editing them and stuff.
Stace’s are on the Left, mine are on the Right.
I can’t tell if it’s the light or if the dude actually got cleaned between when I took the picture and when Stace took it.
Part of Il Duomo….
I guess I should have gotten closer….fewer people if you’re closer.
Some parliament building or something. Not sure where the Italian flags were when Stace was visiting.
The coliseum. Again, why does it look cleaner? Apparently Stacey uses more than just the “I’m feeling lucky” button in Picasa.
The Miyahara girls, always taking pictures of holes in ceilings.

3 replies on “Photo Comparisons – Miyahara styles”

Stacey says, "Oh I do some different stuff to them in Photoshop it's not always the same but usually I make the shadows more red, the highlights mor cyan, and the midtones more yellow and cyan. The Rome pictures are different though because it was sunny and stormy at the same time"

I use picasa….they have an "I'm feeling lucky button." Apparently I'm not lucky enough 🙂

Um yeah…that sounds like a lot of work. I guess I shouldn't have dropped out of my PS class…!

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