Food Live

Quick, which would you pick?

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courtesy of
Shari’s Berries}

What did you pick?

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Did you pick chocolate?

I have a theory.  When the option of chocolate or “white” presents itself, most people will go for chocolate.  People discriminate against cupcakes based on color.  Only it’s backwards.  The white cupcakes get no credit!  Their ghetto cousins, the chocolate cupcakes, get all the fame.  I call those people, Cupcake Racists.  Or maybe, Baked Good Racists.

I’ve noticed this on multiple occasions.

1.  At our reception in Seattle we had 100 cupcakes.  The chocolate ones were gone first.

2.  My friend made some DELICIOUS vanilla cupcakes, but very few people tried them.  They opted for the boxed brownies over her made-from-scratch Magnolia Bakery morsels.

3.  Whenever I bake vanilla cupcakes people always say, “wow, those are good.”  Implying that they were expecting hum-drum-vanilla.  When in fact, they got pure awesome in their mouth.

In the end, we all know that the cupcake is just a vehicle for frosting.  But who doesn’t love cream cheese frosting?  Best stuff ever, and it’s not made with chocolate.

You kids who like red velvet cupcakes?  You realize it’s a vanilla cupcake with about 2 Tbs of cocoa powder + enough red dye #4 to make your pee turn pink.

Until I started baking, I’ll admit, I too was a cupcake racist and I chose chocolate whenever the opportunity presented itself.  But now, I’m all about the white cupcakes.  Why?  It could be anything!  Vanilla, lemon…..other non brown things.  And usually they have lots of butter and/or buttermilk.

What am I trying to say?  If you have the choice, try the white one.  I think you’ll be surprised with what you get!  BUT, if there is both white and chocolate and you plan on eating 2 cupcakes, take the chocolate one first.  Chances are you’ll be surrounded by cupcakes racists and you need to be sure you get one of the chocolate ones.

4 replies on “Quick, which would you pick?”

I’d go for the white one, but Steve is all about the chocolate. He believes it’s not dessert if it’s not chocolate!

I always go for the white ones, the chocolate on top of chocolate is too rich for me. Instant sugar headache! However I’d have to try a bit of someone’s chocolate cupcake.

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