
Riding a bike while standing up

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and I decided to get some use out of our bikes on Saturday.  A leisurely 12 mile ride around our place.

I’ve known it for ages, but apparently just learned this new factoid about me.  I can’t ride a bike standing up.  You know what I mean, right?  When you get to a hill, lots of people standup to help them get momentum.  I can’t figure it out.  I’m a relatively coordinated person, but this just baffles me!

When I stand up and bike, I slow down and feel like I’m about to tip over.  It doesn’t feel natural.

We also learned that while I have worn helmets my whole life – including on my tricycle – Nick cheated death for close to 6 years before he ever wore one.  It’s a miracle he’s alive 🙂

Can you bike standing up?  Or is it just me?  I’m beginning to feel like it’s just me.

One reply on “Riding a bike while standing up”

It might be just you, but at least we know there is something that you can’t do! 😉

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