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Self Checkout Line

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talk about the self checkout line.

Have you used it before?  You know what I’m talking about.  You get to scan your own groceries and bag them yourself.

The line is always very tempting.  Reminds me of playing pretend when I was 4 with plastic food.  Except now it’s real life and I’ve got places to be.

I walked into Safeway Sunday afternoon.  My first mistake.  Everyone knows it’s the worst time to go to the grocery store, but Nick wanted blueberries and I was trying to be nice.  No blueberries, so I got some peaches and strawberries instead.   Not the same….but maybe he won’t notice?

With only 3 items in my basket, I decide to do self checkout.  All the other lines were long and filled with people trying to feed the brady bunch.  I was 2nd in line for the self checkout.

Guy in front of me, with only 3-4 items in his basket quickly takes over Lane 2.

Lane 1 is a lady who is moving at a decent speed, but has a lot of stuff.  Lane 3 is a guy that just shouldn’t be doing self checkout – completely full cart.  Lane 4 has WAY too much produce.  So I’ve picked Lane 2 to finish first.  Then there’s the cheese.  Apparently this gourmet cheese is not barcoded, so he has to get help.  Crap.  Ok, maybe Lane 3.  Lane 3 is having a rough time paying.  Really?  Ugh, needless to say I should have just gotten into one of the non-self-checkout lines.  It would have been faster.

If you see any of these people int he self-checkout line, run the other way:

1.  The guy making the world’s largest salad.  He doesn’t have the codes memorized, so he’ll spend 93 minutes looking up every vegetable in his cart.

2.  Mom + baby + full cart.  Too many moving parts.  Kudos to mom for trying, but it’s gonna be awhile. (I’m sure I’ve just offended someone, sorry).

3.  Anyone with more than a baskets worth of stuff.

Next time I’ll heed my own advice and stick with the regular checkout line.
FYI – I’m impatient.  Can you tell?  I’m working on it.

2 replies on “Self Checkout Line”

I love how this is the first I’m hearing about your grocery store drama. I think you should get a discount for using the self-checkout since they’re not paying a checker or a bagger.

It’s all about picking the right people to get in line behind. If you’ve seen “Up in the Air” with Clooney, it’s all about using stereotypes to succeed in lines.

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