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The best fundraiser ever

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college I organized a group of students to volunteer at Gay Bingo. I didn’t really know what it was, but it sounded like fun and I had to get those kids volunteering!
We showed up and had an AWESOME time! As volunteers we helped setup the tables and chairs for the event and then sold raffle tickets during the actual Bingo rounds.
But this ain’t your mama’s bingo. This is bingo on steroids….or maybe estrogen? The MC is a fabulous drag queen and the sisters of perpetual indulgence hang out to help.
For volunteering, we all got free tickets to come back and play. Awesome! They liked us so much, they put us front and center. And that’s when Poor Zach got brought to the stage and had his shirt ripped off. I won $33 playing bingo and we all had an awesome time!
It’s gotten bigger and better since I attended over 5 years ago. But if you are looking for something fun – and want to do something good (did I mention the proceeds go to the lifelong AIDS alliance?) – head on over to Gay Bingo!

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