Back in April we went to Washington DC. It’s the only other city besides Seattle where we can visit and see tons of friends!
We started off with a hot, sweaty, humid wog (that’s a walk/jog) around the sites.
We were told that the weather was “perfect” – and I can definitely say that it’s been much hotter and humider, but it was still a little “wet” for us west coasters.
Thursday night we split up – I had dinner with Anthony and Nick hosted a Side Hustle meetup (where he meets and eats with his internet friends). Per the usual, Anthony and I ate tapas. For some reason, we always end up at small plate restaurants. It worked out well that Nick planned a meetup, because he’s really not a fan of small plates. He prefers big plates.
Friday was spent hanging with our high school friends! We enjoyed the (free!!!) zoo, lunch, lots of walking, and some delicious macaroons! The birthday cake was surprisingly delicious!
And we finished off the day with a Nats game with Kelly and Sean! It may be my 2nd favorite stadium. The weather and dried off, the temperature was perfect, the nachos were filling and the Nats were victorious! We saw 5 Nats homeruns. 5! That was a record for me for sure! When we arrived back at casa Hafner, we learned that we had walked roughly 30,000 or 10 miles! Oy!
We vowed to walk less on day 2. So we headed to Georgetown for some pizza with Kelly, Sean, Michael, Karen and Charlie! Then it was off to the river, rounded out by a visit to the Kennedy Center. At that point, we learned that it was Embassy day, and proceeded to learn about the UK. No joke.
At this point, we were tired. So we decided that Shake Shack and the Nats game (via the TV), would finish out the night. No trip to the east coast is complete without a stop at Shake Shack. Nick and I dream about this burgers.
On Sunday, we bid farewell to our hosts after a stop at DC doughnut. So many delicious flavors! I’ll be back 🙂
We boarded our plane and were headed home…..but first, a quick pit stop in Dallas. Where it really only made sense to have lunch with Kristen and Brian! Despite having eaten our way through DC, we were ready for some delicious Texas burgers! It did not disappoint. One of our best layovers yet!
And with that, we were back home, tired puppy in hand, and ready to eat some salad.