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What to do in NY?

Did you hear?  I’m headed to NYC in August and I hope it cools off by then!  Doubt it will.  Good thing I don’t sweat…..

I’ve been to New York before and I’ve seen quite a bit

I’ll be there with Nick but he’s got work stuff to do.  I have to occupy myself for 2 days.  I’m thinking of taking some dance classes and maybe seeing a show.  Maybe a little (or a lot) of shopping?  Basically, I’m looking for suggestions.  I don’t like museums all that much, I really like good food and I can people watch for DAYS!  OR, if you’ll be in NYC from August 19th – 23rd, let me know so we can hang out!

Happy Thursday!

2 replies on “What to do in NY?”

i am so jealous of your regis and kelly experience!

i think you should go try to get lottery tickets for book of mormon!
and if you don’t win, you’ll still definitely get some good people watching out of it!

You have done a lot! Maybe a stop at the Magnolia bakery in Soho to get a cupcake?? I also walked the Brooklyn bridge and got pizza on the other side at this amazing place right under the bridge! The line was out the door…but it was worth the wait. Have so much fun! 🙂

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